
  • It needs at least three stages. One for “Pending”, one for “Approved”, and one for “Denied“. We advise you to call them this for maintainability, however, it’s not required.

  • The first transition needs to at least have the constraint “Only Instance Owner Can Transition“, else the users will get an error when they try to instantiate. (For admins, we have a role to bypass this “Only Instance Owner…“ constraint, and it’s called “Business_Workflow_General_Transition_Executor“. Again, only assign this to admins, as all “Only…“ constraints will be bypassed with this.)

  • We allow for other constraints on this first transition. Some set up “input constraints“, which are data the requestor requester will be asked to fill out to request a transition.

  • The currently supported input constraints are: String, Int, and Date. Below is an image of how String and Date look for the end user
