7) Create schematics on both databases (1a_CreateSchemas.sql)
8) Create/connect users to schematics with the correct roles (1b_Addusers.sql)
9) Copy over schematics rights using the script: 1c_MoveSchmeaObjects.sql. Run this script against the DAM database. The script will generate a set of queries, which you then need to copy and paste into a new query window and run these manually. (When running this script you may receive an error stating ('SqlQueryNotificationService-ac71525d-ab10-45d7-a1b8-9aac35189f759', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
10) Change the owner of the schematics admin_database name_dam + admin_database name_dam + UserMgmt (1d_ChangeSchemas.sql)
11) Delete old schematics admin_OLDNAME_dam and admin_OLDNAME_dam_jobs on both databases
If it is not possible to delete the old schematics, you must not proceed to next step. This means that the schematics are still in use.
12) Null the completed date for search proxy scripts (1e_ResetSearches.sql)
13) Delete everything from service broker (2a_DROPSB.sql) (Check that everything has been removed sometimes a few autogenerated need to be cleared manually)