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Stage 2: Approving or rejecting download request

The user responsible for managing download requests for asset will now receive a new task. Once the user has the task assigned to them, they receive a new notification. They can access the task either by directly clicking the notification or by going to tasks and selecting the correct one from the list of active tasks.


The assigned user can preview the details of the tasks by clicking on it. The task details include relevant information split into several tabs. The most basic information concerning the task is contained in the Summary tab. If further communication is needed (and possible, i.e. both the requesting user and and the managing user have roles allowing them to use the commenting functionality), it is possible to tag another user in the Comments section in the same way the ordinary asset comments work.

In this specific case, one of the most relevant sections is the Details tab. In there, the user can access the answers to the request form.


In order to complete the task, the user needs to click the Action button and select one of the available options, in this case: “Approve” or “Reject”.


Selecting the option of approving the download request will result in this specific use case in opening a new dialog, where the user must upload a consent form in pdf format. Once this is done, the task can be successfully transitioned by clicking Next.


Selecting the option of rejecting the download request will result in this specific use case in having to provide the reason for rejection. Once this is done, the task can be successfully transitioned by clicking Next.


Stage 3: Downloading the asset

The user who originally request the download of the asset will now receive a notification regarding the new status of the request. If the request was approved, new options to download will appear in the download dialog of the asset.
