After installation of the NuGet package, a new "<digizuite>" element has been added to your web.config's "configuration" element. It has been added as the last child element of "configuration".
Here is an example of how it can look:
it's time to setup the connection to you Digizuite DAM instance. Add theĀ DAMIntegrationConfiguration to your startupĀ class.
Code Block | ||
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<digizuite baseGuid="74EAEAD1-B892-431A-BEDF-7226E2CEDDCB" redirectvideostream="false" disablenotifications="false" validFullSearchNamespaces="EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentIndexer,EPiServer.Find.Cms.IndexingJobService">services.AddDigizuiteDAM( new Digizuite.Optimizely.Configuration.DAMIntegrationConfiguration() <cache folderName="Digizuite" tempFolderName="DigizuiteTemp" timeout="10:00"/> <media defaultVideoFormat="50040" defaultImageFormat="50034" defaultDestination="10010" />{ <mediaManager url="" /> <digizuiteIntegrationDatabaseName siteUrl= "alloy_mvc_netcore" guid="" subscriptions="1" deleteBlob="false" />, <cdn baseUrl="" destinationId="" /> <connectionConnection baseUrl="" user="Episerver" secret="55f2f63f09ff4f73f75fbb7d7e6e69b0" versionId="/1/" />= new Digizuite.Models.DigizuiteConfiguration() <roleMappings> { <add DigizuiteRole="Episerver Users" EpiserverRoles="Everyone" /> <add DigizuiteRole="Episerver Editors" EpiserverRoles="WebEditors,ContentEditors" /> <addBaseUrl DigizuiteRole="Episerver Administrators" EpiserverRoles="Administrators,WebAdmins" /> new Uri(""), </roleMappings> <fallbackIconMappings> <addSystemUsername documentType= "videoEpiserver" extensions="mp4,avi,mov,flv,mwv,mkv,avchd,h264,vob,m4v" />, <add documentType="sound" extensions="wav,aiff,mp3,aac,ogg,wma,flac,alac" /> <addSystemPassword documentType= "zip55f2f63f09ff4f73f75fbb7d7e6e69b0" extensions="zip,tar,iso,par,7z,rar" />, <add documentType="presentation" extensions="ppt,pptx,key,odp,pps" /> <addConfigVersionId documentType= "images" extensions="png,tif,gif,raw,eps,jpg,bmp,psd,svg,ai" />/5/" <add documentType="spreadsheet" extensions="xls,xml,csv,xlsx,numbers" /> } <add documentType="text" extensions="docx,doc,pdf,rtf,txt,opd" /> </fallbackIconMappings> </digizuite>}); |
Main Digizuite Element
The digizuite element has some attributes. Each of these are described below.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | baseGuid | No | (a hardcoded guid) | A guid that is used as the 'foundation' to generate all the assets Content Guid. Usually you won't have to change this. |
string | name | No | "" | The name with which the integration identifies itself - for example when sending editor notifications |
bool | redirectvideostream | No | false | Default behavior is to have Episerver act as a video proxy for video assets. If this is set to true, Episerver will instead redirect the video streams to the DAM directly. |
bool | disablenotifications | No | false | If set to true, will supress editor notifications from the integration. |
bool | autoattach | No | true | Controls if the Digizuite Content Provider should automatically attach after initialization to an entry point automatically created. If this is false, you will need to manually configure the content provider. |
string | autoattachname | No | "Digizuite" | The name of the entry point automatically created in Auto Attach mode. |
string | validFullSearchNamespaces | No | EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentIndexer,EPiServer.Find.Cms.IndexingJobService | Comma-separated list of valid namspaceses. Here you add the valid namespaceses that are allowed to do a full search and requesting all assets from Digizuite through our DigizuiteContentProvider. By default is is only the Find indexing that are allowed. |
bool | preventdigizuitemediatypesinepiserverfolder | No | true | Prevent that Digizuite media types can be uploaded to a Episerver media folder. |