The assets can be organized in collections. The collection menu is located by default on the top bar. It is also possible to display the collections in the center of the home screen (in place of folder menu) by clicking on "All collections" under the Collections menu:
The user can create a new collection by clicking on "New collection" from the drop-down list under the Collections menu or on "Create new collection" in the centered view.
Collections can be shared in four different, by link, mail, members and groups.
Common for all share types, is an time interval can be set, meaning the share is only valid during this period.
If an expiration date is not wanted, this can be disabled, making the share available permanently.
Link Share
When creating a link share, the permission is always set as a View, and cannot be changed.
Mail Share
In practice, a mail share works the same as a link share.
However, instead of showing the link when the share is created, an email is sent to all recipients with the link.
If a new user is created in the system later, with the same email is a mail share, this share will be converted to a member share.
This means the user now will have 2 active shares, one with the link, and one when logged in.
Multiple mail shares can be created at once.
User Share
When a collection is shared with a user, it is visible for them in the collection menu, and they will not require a link to access to collection.
With user shares, the collection level can also be modified, to include edit and admin.
When the share is created, the user will receive both a notification and an email.
Group Share
Group shares work the same way as user shares, except instead of being shared with a user, it is shared with a group, and thereby with all the members in that group.
When users receive / looses a group, the collection will update correspondingly for them.
It is possible to change the sorting order of the collections' list. The collections can be sorted either by name or by the order in which they were created.
It can be done :
in the main "All collections" window view - by using the button in the upper right corner:
Adding assets to a collection