Note |
Pre-requisites: You need your own account and subscription at Optidash. From your account, the actual API Key must be sent to Digizuite so we know where the request should be directed to. |
Type | Endpoint | Input | Functionality | Output |
Ximilar AI | https://dgz-integration-broker.azurewebsites.net/api/integrations/asset/invoke?clientId={SECRET_CLIENT_ID}&integrationType=ximilaraiservice&assetId=<assetid>&code={SECRET_CODE}
Info |
Since this is custom categories it requires a workshop to define categories and get images which corresponds to those categories for training the AI model. |
| clientId: provided by Digizuite integrationType: ximilaraiservice code: provided by digizuite
| Sends image for tagging at ai service and returns tags. | Returns Code Block |
interface DigizuiteTagResponse {
status: string; // from ai service
errorMessage: string; // from ai service
tags: DetectTagObject[];
interface DetectTagObject {
prop: number;
name: number;
id: number;
} |
Ximiar Fashion Tagging AI | https://dgz-integration-broker.azurewebsites.net/api/integrations/asset/invoke?clientId={SECRET_CLIENT_ID}&integrationType=ximilargenericaiservice&assetId=<assetid>&code={SECRET_CODE}
| clientId: provided by Digizuite integrationType: ximilargenericaiservice code: provided by digizuite
| Sends image for tagging at ai service and returns tags. | Returns Code Block |
interface DigizuiteTagResponse {
status: string; // from ai service
errorMessage: string; // from ai service
tags: DetectTagObject[];
interface DetectTagObject {
prop: number;
name: number;
id: number;
} |
Ximiar Fashion Tagging AI | https://dgz-integration-broker.azurewebsites.net/api/integrations/asset/invoke?clientId={SECRET_CLIENT_ID}&integrationType=ximilarfashionaiservice&assetId=<assetid>&code={SECRET_CODE}
| clientId: provided by Digizuite integrationType: ximilarfashionaiservice code: provided by digizuite
| Sends image for tagging at ai service and returns tags. | Returns Code Block |
interface DigizuiteTagResponse {
status: string; // from ai service
errorMessage: string; // from ai service
tags: DetectTagObject[];
interface DetectTagObject {
prop: number;
name: number;
id: number;
} |
Inscene AI | https://dgz-integration-broker-us.azurewebsites.net/api/integrations/asset/invoke?clientId={SECRET_CLIENT_ID}&integrationType=insceneaiservice&assetId=<assetid>&code={SECRET_CODE}
** Be aware here that Inscene AI is only supported in the US. So therefore it has its own URL (dgz-integration-broker-us). | clientId: provided by Digizuite integrationType: insceneaiservice code: provided by digizuite
| | Code Block |
interface DigizuiteTagResponse {
status: string; // from ai service
errorMessage: string; // from ai service
tags: DetectTagObject[];
subTags: DetectTagObject[]; // only for Inscene AI
objects: DetectSubObject[]; // only for Inscene AI
interface DetectTagObject {
prop: number;
name: number;
id: number;
interface DetectSubObject {
prop: number;
name: number;
id: number;
subObjects: DetectTagObject[];
} |
Imagga Tagging AI | https://dgz-integration-broker.azurewebsites.net/api/integrations/asset/invoke?clientId={SECRET_CLIENT_ID}&integrationType=ImaggaTaggingService&assetId=<assetid>&code={SECRET_CODE}
| clientId: provided by Digizuite integrationType: ImaggaTaggingService code: provided by digizuite
| Sends image for tagging at ai service and returns tags. | Returns Code Block |
interface DigizuiteTagResponse {
status: string; // from ai service
errorMessage: string; // from ai service
tags: DetectTagObject[];
interface DetectTagObject {
prop: number;
name: number;
id: number;
} |
The following shows a starting point for your integration.