

3. Restore the databases

4. Check the ownership of the databases 

(dam and dam_jobs). It should be an SA user.


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. Create schematics on both databases




. Create/connect users to schematics with the correct roles




. Copy over schematics rights

Copy over schematics rights using the script: 1c_MoveSchmeaObjects.sql. Run this script against the DAM database. The script will generate a set of queries, which you then need to copy and paste into a new query window and run these manually. (When running this script you may receive an error stating ('SqlQueryNotificationService-ac71525d-ab10-45d7-a1b8-9aac35189f759', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

These can both be deleted without any issues, as long as the website is not running, please see the screenshot below.

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. Change the owner of the schematics admin_database name_dam + admin_database name_dam + UserMgmt




. Delete old schematics admin_OLDNAME_dam and admin_OLDNAME_dam_jobs on both databases

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If it is not possible to delete the old schematics, you must not proceed to next step. This means that the schematics are still in use.



. Null the completed date for search proxy scripts (1e_ResetSearches.sql)



. Delete everything from service broker (2a_DROPSB.sql) (Check that everything has been removed sometimes a few autogenerated need to be cleared manually)

To check this navigate to DAM database, service broker, expand Queues (this should be empty) and expand Services (this should be empty)
14) Delete the old users from both databases.
If it is not possible to delete the old users, you must not proceed to next step. This means that the users are still in use.

NB: Step 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 is Only on older DAM Versions (pre DAM 5.2)
15) Login with admin_database name_dam (password =admin_database name_dam)
16) Run scripts for SB (2b_RebuildServiceBroker.sql + 2c_ServiceBrokerItemLastChanged.sql)

17) run the first script entry from search_proxy_scripts to create the search service broker (You can get it, by right-clicking the table and select edit top 200 and select all from the script column)

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Then run the script.

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18) Log in as your Server admin
19) Run the script 2d_EnableServiceBroker.sql


20. run the updateDZConfig script

NB: When @runscript =0 the script only simulates changes, when settings are as expected, set this value to 1 and run again.


22. Edit the stored procedures you get from running the script: 5_GetSPs.sql replace the old database name (old DB name_dam_Jobs) with the new (new DB name_dam_Jobs)


23. Reconfigure web.config files by updating user passwords


24. Create the database ref, please note that if the site existed beforehand, and you have used the same database name, then this step can be omitted.


25. Recycle all AppPools related to site

  1. Check the admin_dbname_dam & admin_dbname_dam_jobs user accounts can login to the database, if they cannot the accounts are orphaned and need to be repaired by running the following scripts. List Orphaned Users.sql and then Fix Orphaned Users.sql


26. Start the Digizuite website and check you can log in


Navigate to system tool, workflows select DigiFileWatcher, select Edit, then Edit on the Standard Import.

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Then do the same on IngestImporter_XML2metadata

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27. Navigate to SystemTools / Digizuite Configuration,

Find the digizuite constant: 

WEBDATABASEREF - this constant should match the connectionstring name in web.config for the dam database

Find the digizuite constant:

JOBDATABASEREF - this constant should match the connectionstring name in web.config for the job database

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28. Repopulate the searches by running https://URL/apiproxy/JobService.js?accesskey=xxx&method=PopulateAllSearches - replace xxx with a valid access key from the script 5_GetAccessGUID.sql


29. Check for CDN configuration in Destinations. Make sure to change them to the environment if there are any. 


30. Configure Digibatch and re-enroll the job engines.


31. Start Digibatch


32. Check the jobs created by the "Repopulate the searches" are being processed.


33. Recreate and publish any SOLR searches - clean up the old ones. To clean up the solr searches perform the following steps

Navigate to the DAM database > tables and drill down to the dbo.search_version table

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, right click the table and select top 1000 rows, then at the bottom of the query results input where usesolr =1

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This will display all of the Solr searches in the results pane. These searches can be deleted using the Delete Solr Searches script, by adding the search versionid of the searches you wish to delete, please see the screenshot below.

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Your results should look something like the screenshot below.

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To check you can run this command again: where usesolr =1

You should be left with just the search you have created, or if you haven´t created any searches yet your result should be empty.

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Once all searches have been repopulated, it´s time to test your DAM

How to Copy the Production Storage disk to the test server in Azure.


3. Copy the .bak file to the database you want to overwrite. (Only for non azure hosted servers)

NB: Step 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 is Only on older DAM Versions (pre DAM 5.2)
15) Login with admin_database name_dam (password =admin_database name_dam)
16) Run scripts for SB (2b_RebuildServiceBroker.sql + 2c_ServiceBrokerItemLastChanged.sql)

17) run the first script entry from search_proxy_scripts to create the search service broker (You can get it, by right-clicking the table and select edit top 200 and select all from the script column)

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Then run the script.

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18) Log in as your Server admin
19) Run the script 2d_EnableServiceBroker.sql

21) run the updateinstallAcctuallsite script (ONLY PRESENT IN OLDER VERSIONS OF THE DAM)

NB; Skip step 21 if DAM does not have the table install_config_actualsite

27. Update Digimonitor instances by running the script 6_UpdateDMInstance.sql (before running this script you should check if the environment is using an Ingest folder) you achieve this by logging into the DAM and looking at 2 workflows to check if they are in use. (ONLY PRESENT IN OLDER VERSIONS OF THE DAM)

Navigate to system tool, workflows select DigiFileWatcher, select Edit, then Edit on the Standard Import.

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Then do the same on IngestImporter_XML2metadata

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26) Check the Digimontor instances to make sure you didn't miss any.

28) Start DigiMonitor (Reconfigure config files first -update user passwords)


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