Versions Compared


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(dam and dam_jobs). It should be an SA user.

7. Create schematics on both databases (gælder for versioner før 5.4)


8. Create/connect users to schematics with the correct roles (relevant så sql login bindes til db user)


9. Copy over schematics rights (kun relevant hvis 7 er relevant)

Copy over schematics rights using the script: 1c_MoveSchmeaObjects.sql. Run this script against the DAM database. The script will generate a set of queries, which you then need to copy and paste into a new query window and run these manually. (When running this script you may receive an error stating ('SqlQueryNotificationService-ac71525d-ab10-45d7-a1b8-9aac35189f759', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.


10. Change the owner of the schematics admin_database name_dam + admin_database name_dam + UserMgmt


db owner = sa

11. Delete old schematics admin_OLDNAME_dam and admin_OLDNAME_dam_jobs on both databases


12. Null the completed date for search proxy scripts (1e_ResetSearches.sql)


når dz installer køres så bliver dette step gjort af sig selv - men kør script for sikekrheds skyld

13. Delete everything from service broker (2a_DROPSB.sql) (Check that everything has been removed sometimes a few autogenerated need to be cleared manually)

Relevant fra før version 5.0

To check this navigate to DAM database, service broker, expand Queues (this should be empty) and expand Services (this should be empty)
14) Delete the old users from both databases.
If it is not possible to delete the old users, you must not proceed to next step. This means that the users are still in use.


NB: When @runscript =0 the script only simulates changes, when settings are as expected, set this value to 1 and run again.

meget vigtigt - skal ændres til at pege på test fremfor produktion

22. Edit the stored procedures you get from running the script: 5_GetSPs.sql replace the old database name (old DB name_dam_Jobs) with the new (new DB name_dam_Jobs)

stadig relevant (ændre fra prod navn til test navn) - sæt i single user mode først

23. Reconfigure web.config files by updating user passwords

stadig relevant

24. Create the database ref, please note that if the site existed beforehand, and you have used the same database name, then this step can be omitted.

ikke relevant fra før version 5.0.

gå ind i web.config for sitet og ændre connection string og databaseRef felter.

25. Recycle all AppPools related to site


Find the digizuite constant:

// jobdartabaseref findes ikke mere fra version 5.4

JOBDATABASEREF - this constant should match the connectionstring name in web.config for the job database

28. Repopulate the searches by running https://URL/apiproxy/JobService.js?accesskey=xxx&method=PopulateAllSearches - replace xxx with a valid access key from the script 5_GetAccessGUID.sql

stadig relevant - dette step findes i dz installer i forvejen

29. Check for Azure CDN configuration in Destinations. Make sure to change them to the environment if there are any. 

30. Configure Digibatch and re-enroll the job engines.

// ikke relevant fra 5.4 og frem

31. Start Digibatch
32. Check the jobs created by the "Repopulate the searches" api call are being processed. - ligger beskeder i rabbit mq - dam center kø - skal lægge i unaccked state = den har taget lås og er ved at processere beskeden

// ikke relevant da gjort i api kald
33. Recreate and publish any SOLR searches - clean up the old ones.

To clean up the solr searches perform the following steps

// clean up solr core (index) - så vi kun vedligeholder det nyeste index - i stedet for at trække ud for alle indexes

delete unactive searches in solr portal

Navigate to the DAM database > tables and drill down to the dbo.search_version table
