Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There are seven types of states across three color-coded categories:

Green states

For these, all items are correct statues; no actions required

Visual representation

Icon description


Green checkmark

Why one hits this state: The user has either inserted the asset themselves or has resolved all issues e.g. using the link manager.

Message in the system: ‘Locally linked and DAM linked’.

Digizuite asset is both locally linked and DAM linked. No action is required.

Available action: ‘Change quality’.

Yellow states

For these, the problem can be automatically corrected in the link manager

Visual representation

Icon description


Yellow upload

Why one hits this state: This happens when the user inserted a file from the local source.

Message in the system: ‘Upload asset to Digizuite DAM'.

Local asset that can be uploaded to the DAM.

Available action: ‘Upload’.

Yellow warning

Why one hits this state: This happens when the user has embedded a file that used to be an asset in the document.

Message in the system: ‘Digizuite content is embedded'.

Digizuite asset is embedded.

Available action: ‘Unembed’.

Yellow clock

Why one hits this state: If the asset has been replaced (updated) in the DAM.

Message in the system: ‘Digizuite asset is outdated'.

Digizuite asset was replaced in the system.

Available action: ‘Relink’.

Yellow link

Why one hits this state: The asset does not have files in the local cache (storage).

Message in the system: ‘Digizuite content is unlinked'.

The link is broken, which means that the local path on the user’s computer cannot be found, but the asset is uploaded to the DAM.

Available action: ‘Relink’ and ‘Change quality’.

Red states

For these, the problem cannot be resolved automatically in the link manager
