Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Digizuite comes with a set of predefined formats primarily used for thumbnails and previews. However, these These formats can be edited, and other formats can be defined. Formats . You can also define new formats. Both predefined and new formats can be configured from the Media Manager’s General settingsSystem administrationFormats page.


By default, thumbnails are automatically generated for all assets as webp files with transparency, optimized for efficient loading on web pages.

When defining a new format, the following parameters must be set:

  • Name: A unique name of the format.

  • Description: An optional, more elaborate description of the format. This is visible to users when downloading a quality of an asset in that uses the format and . It can, e.g., be used to describe which use cases the format is intended for.

  • Format type: The type of the format.

  • Immediately generated for: The asset types for which qualities of the format should be generated immediately when an asset asset’s file is uploaded or replaced. See below for more information.

  • Mapped media formats: In previous versions, the transcode system worked with a concept of media formats, similar to the new format concept. This parameter can be used when migrating from the old transcode system to the new transcode system. More details can be found here.


Qualities of assets can be either be generated on-demand, or they can be pre-generated.

If a quality of an asset is requested but has not been generated yet, it is always automatically generated. This feature is referred to as on-demand transcoding and makes it possible to ensure that qualities are only generated when needed. Thus, storage space is not wasted on saving qualities that are never used.

The transcode system also supports pre-generating qualities before they are requested. This is, e.g., useful for thumbnails and previews, which are always needed. However, it can e.g., also be used to automatically start time-consuming transcodes of large videos that are likely to be requested.


A user must have at least one of the these two roles Asset_Can_Download_Custom_Quality and Asset_Can_Download_Any to have access to the custom quality download functionality.

Custom qualities are always generated on-demand. However, if the exact requested quality has already been generated, it is reused. Custom qualities are automatically cleaned up if they have not been downloaded in a while. By default, custom qualities are cleaned up after 30 days, but this . This can be configured from the general settings page in the Media Manager. Only custom qualities are cleaned up.
