Some preliminary configuration must be done with Google:
Go to https://console.developers.google.com/, and make sure that you are logged in with the Google account that videos should be uploaded with. Thus, if you are setting this up for a customer, it should be the Google account they use for YouTube.
If you don’t already have a project, create a new project. Ensure that the appropriate project is selected in the top menu.
Enable “YouTube Data API v3” for the project.
Select “Library” in the left menu.
Search for “YouTube Data API v3”.
Select the search result and enable the API.
Setup an OAuth Consent Screen.
In the left menu, select “OAuth Consent Screen”.
Give the application a name.
In “Authorized Domains” enter the domain of the DAM Center installation. Google can figure out the domain part, if you are unsure. Thus, if the DAM Center is installed at e.g. “mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com”, you can enter this.
Create credentials.
In the left menu, select “Credentials”.
Click “Create Credentials” in the top menu, and choose “OAuth Client ID” (see image below).
Choose “Web application”.
Give the web application a name.
In “Authorized redirect URIs” enter: “<YOUR_DAM>/DigizuiteCore/YoutubeService/api/v1/YoutubeClients/OAuth2Callback”. E.g. if the DAM Center has been installed at “https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com”, the entry should be: “https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/DigizuiteCore/YoutubeService/api/v1/YoutubeClients/OAuth2Callback”. NOTE: It is important that the DAM Center installation is the same that was registered in step 4.c.
Create the credentials.
You have now obtained a ClientId and a ClientSecret. If they aren’t immediately visible, they can be found by clicking the newly created entry in “OAuth 2.0 Client IDs” in the “Credentials” section. These will be needed later.
Project compliance audit
YouTube has three privacy categories for uploaded videos: “private”, “unlisted”, and “public” (see https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/157177?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en for more information).
A specific channel for videos should be created in the DAM Center. If you already have the ChannelId of the channel to use, you can skip this step.
Go to the
Media Manager and into “System administration”
In “Channels”, create a new folder by right-clicking the channels area.
Give the channel a name. E.g. “YouTube”.
The ChannelId will be needed in a moment. This can be found by right-clicking the created channel, and selecting “Edit folder rights” (see image below).
Grab the ID of the channel, you will need it below.
YouTube client creation
A YouTube client can now be created in MM5.
At the top center of the screen in green letters, click on Create a new YouTube client. The ClientID, ClientSecret, and ChannelId from the configuration above will be needed here.
There are two five parameters with default values:
Asset filter: By default any asset that ends in the configured channel folder and is a video will be published to youtube. You can customize this filter by changing the asset filter.
Title metafield: If not specified the “title” metafield will be used.
Description metafield: If not specified the “description” metafield will be used.
Privacy status metaifield: If not specified or if the asset has no value specified in the field, then “Default privacy status” will be used instead.
Default Privacy Status. The default privacy status to use when uploading videos to YouTube. By default, this is set to “private”. Other possible values are “public” and “unlisted”. See https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/157177?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en for more information. Please be aware of the potentially required compliance audit, described above, when configuring this.
Once a YouTube client has been created, it needs to be authorized. This can be done via the UI in the settings section in MM5. After successful authorization, videos will automatically be uploaded to YouTube, when they are published to the created YouTube channel. A video, which has been published to the YouTube channel in the DAM Center and has been successfully uploaded, will be deleted from YouTube if it is either deleted from the DAM Center or unpublished.
Videos can be uploaded to YouTube by simply dragging them to the YouTube channel in the DAM Center. Once they have been successfully uploaded, they can be deleted from YouTube again by unpublishing them from the YouTube channel in the DAM Center. A workflow can, of course, also be set up for this.
Search configuration
This step is optional.
As mentioned above, it is possible to configure the search used for retrieving information about a video when uploading it. By default, the “GetYoutubeInformation” search is used, and this search fetches the title and the description of the asset by default.
It is possible to also fetch the privacy status when uploading an asset. This will override the default privacy status on the assets where it is set. This can be done with the following steps:
In the DAM Center, find the “GetYoutubeInformation” search for the DAM Center in the ConfigManager.
Save the search.
It is now possible to set the privacy status for each asset.
The “GetYoutubeInformation” search can be freely configured. However, the search must include at least two output fields with ids:
The YouTube Service has the following limitations: