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Constructing the download/stream urls can be done manually using two different approaches:

  • HttpHandler
  • Aspx

Both methods ends up running the same code and hence are equally good. There are some theoretical advantages of using the HttpHandler as that one is earlier in the .net pipeline and therefore utilizes the IIS better. The disadvantages to this is that the extension of what is requested needs to be known beforehand and as such this is not always doable.

Using HttpHandler

As the download and stream is implemented as a httphandler, it is a bit different than the other endpoints. The url can be constructed in the following way


assetidthis is the id of the asset in Digizuite
mediaformatidthe format in which the asset is transcoded is defined in Digizuite. This id corresponds to such a format
destinationidthis implies where the file should be downloaded from. These IDs are accessible in Digizuite under System tools/Destinations
assetypedetermines the type of the asset. UseĀ GetAssetTypes to get a list of all available asset types
outputidentEnum that determines how the file should be output. 11 is default preview (used for stream) and 44 is download
filmstripidThere for backwards compatibility - not used anymore. Set this to 0.
accessKeyThe accessKey that grants access to the api
Download booleanTrue = file downloaded and False = file is returned as a stream
Extension of mediaformatThis should be set to whatever the mediaformat is setup to create (i.e. jpg, if the output of the format is a jpg file)

Using aspx

The apsx url can be constructred in the following manner:


the explanation of the ids are as follows

assetidthis is the id of the asset in Digizuite
mediaformatidthe format in which the asset is transcoded is defined in Digizuite. This id corresponds to such a format
destinationidthis implies where the file should be downloaded from. These IDs are accessible in Digizuite under System tools/Destinations
accessKeyThe accessKey that grants access to the api