- Upload button
View file name Upload_method_1.mp4 height 250
The upload button is placed in the upper right corner of the application's interface. In order to upload new files with this method, simply click the button and you will be able to select files from your computer in the upload dialog box. After selecting the files, click "Open" and the upload will automatically start in the background. - Drag and drop to upload
View file name Upload_method_2.mp4 height 250
Another method of uploading files is by simply dragging and dropping them anywhere within the Media Manager 5's interface. While you drag the file(s) over the application's interface, the drop area will turn white and the prompt "Let go to upload your files" will appear in the center of the screen. After you drop the files, the upload will automatically start in the background.
The progress of the upload can be traced in the minimized window in the lower right corner of the screen. If you want to see more details, you can expand the window and view the upload progress of the files individually.