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This page will describe how to configure Cognitive Services together with Digizuite.


Pricing details can be found here:

"For Recognize Text each POST call counts as a transaction. All GET calls to see the results of the async service are counted as transactions but are free of charge. For all other operations, each feature call counts as a transaction, whether called independently or grouped through the Analyze call. Analyze calls are used to make calling the API easier, but each feature used counts as a transaction. For instance an Analyze call containing Tag, Face, and Adult would count as three transactions."

The features that are supported is shown below here. The number of transaction is dependent on the number of visual features wanted. So if the system is configured with all, then it will be 7 transactions per asset.

ImageType = 0,
Faces = 1,
Adult = 2,
Categories = 3,
Color = 4,
Tags = 5,
Description = 6


Important for the Digizuite AI Service is to have the endpoint and subscription key. These can be found when selecting the service in azure as shown below:

Facial Recognition

In order to use the facial recognition features of the cognitive service, you must create a Faces resource in the azure portal.

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Once the services is created, go to the Quick start tab of the resource and locate the Api Key (Key1) and the Endpoint:

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These are the FacesKey and the FacesEndpointUrl in the appsettings, respectively.

The FacesPersonGroup setting is a string which defines the name of the persongroup used for facial recognition.

It is not shown anywhere, but if there are multiple customers on the same Faces resource, they must each have a unique string here.

For customers with their own Face resource, simply use the name of the customer or similar. The string must be without spaces or special characters and must be all lowercase.

Video Transcription

In order to use the Video Transcription features of the cognitive services, a videoindexer subscription key must be acquired and configured.

To acquire the key, go to, and sign in with a Microsoft account.

Then go to and select the Product Authorization subscription.

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Click 'Show' on the Primary Key and place that key in the VideoIndexerKey options of the Appsettings.json file.

The VideoIndexerWatcherInterval is used to configure how often the cognitive service checks for new progress on indexed videos. 180 represents checking every 180 seconds (3 minutes).

Appsettings in the Digizuite

These must be correctly added to app.settings under damcenter/DigizuiteCore/appsettings.json: 

"ComputerVisionDetails": {


        "subscriptionKey": "




        "AzureEndpointUrl": "


        "FacesKey": "be2b61be0464482cb1bc44ae60e8d4a0",
        "FacesEndpointUrl": "",
        "FacesPersonGroup": "digipersons",
        "VisualFeatures": "Tags"


        "VideoIndexerKey": "ac2c9e2992304a9e8e35a1bbfab60e52",
        "VideoIndexerWatcherInterval": 180


"TranslationApi": {
   "EndpointUrl": "",
   "SubscriptionKey": "..................................",
   "ApiVersion": "3.0"
