To check this navigate to DAM database, service broker, expand Queues (this should be empty) and expand Services (this should be empty)
14) Delete the old users from both databases.
15) Login with admin_database name_dam (password =admin_database name_dam)
16) Run scripts for SB (2b_RebuildServiceBroker.sql + 2c_ServiceBrokerItemLastChanged.sql)
NB: Step 16 is Only on older DAM Versions (pre DAM 5.0)
17) run the first script entry from search_proxy_scripts to create the search service broker (You can get it, by right-clicking the table and select edit top 200 and select all from the script column)
Then run the script.
18) Log in as your Server admin
19) Run the script 2d_EnableServiceBroker.sql
NB: Step 19 is Only on older DAM Versions (pre DAM 5.0)
20) run the updateDZConfig script
21) run the updateinstallAcctuallsite script
22) Edit the stored procedures you get from running the script: 5_GetSPs.sql replace the old database name (old DB name_dam_Jobs) with the new (new DB name_dam_Jobs)