Then do the same on IngestImporter_XML2metadata
25) Navigate to SystemTools / Digizuite Configuration,
Find the digizuite constant:
WEBDATABASEREF - this constant should match the connectionstring name in web.config for the dam database
Find the digizuite constant:
JOBDATABASEREF - this constant should match the connectionstring name in web.config for the job database
26) Check the Digimontor instances to make sure you didn't miss any.
2627) Repopulate the searches by running https://URL/apiproxy/JobService.js?accesskey=xxx&method=PopulateAllSearches - replace xxx with a valid access key from the script 5_GetAccessGUID.sql
2728) Start DigiMonitor (Reconfigure config files first -update user passwords)
2829) Configure Digibatch and re-enroll the job engines.
2930) Start Digibatch
3031) Check the jobs created by the "Repopulate the searches" are being processed.
3132) Recreate and publish any SOLR searches - clean up the old ones. To clean up the solr searches perform the following steps