NB: Step 19 is Only on older DAM Versions (pre DAM 5.0)
20) run the updateDZConfig script
NB: When @runscript =0 the script only simulates changes, when settings are as expected, set this value to 1 and run again.
21) run the updateinstallAcctuallsite script
22) Edit the stored procedures you get from running the script: 5_GetSPs.sql replace the old database name (old DB name_dam_Jobs) with the new (new DB name_dam_Jobs)
23a) Reconfigure web.config files by updating user passwords
23b) Create the database ref, please note that if the site existed beforehand, and you have used the same database name, then this step can be omitted.
23c) Recycle all AppPools related to site
23d) Start the Digizuite website and check you can log in
24) Update Digimonitor instances by running the script 6_UpdateDMInstance.sql (before running this script you should check if the environment is using an Ingest folder) you achieve this by logging into the DAM and looking at 2 workflows to check if they are in use.