Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Website installation

To install the Office Connector (henceforth referred to as "OC"), install an OC the exact same way you would install a Media Manager 5 site (MM).

  • Create a new website folder and copy the content from SWInstall into the created website folder.

Website configuration

The OC has it own appsettings.json file, identical to the appsettings.json file for MM. Some parameters are of particular interest in the OC.


Note that the OC does not have a separate entry in the ConfigManager in the DC. If an OC entry exists, it belongs to the old OC and it will not affect the new one.

Instead, the OC uses an MM configuration, which can be found as a child of the Media Manager 5 node in the ConfigManager. The following options are available:

  1. Use an existing MM configuration. If you choose this option, be aware that changing e.g. searches and configuration parameters in the chosen MM configuration will affect the OC
    1. Use this option for new installations
  2. (Recommended by RND) Create a new child configuration for the OC based on the MM configuration. This makes it possible to change e.g. searches and configuration parameters independently of MM.

Create or choose a configuration to use, and then change the "VersionId" parameter in the appsettings.json for the OC appropriately.


If you want to enable SSO, change "UseFederatedAuthentication" to "true" in the appsettings.json file.

If you also want to enable normal login, change "EnableNormalLogin" to "true" in the appsettings.json file.



Ensure that


PortalName is set to be the MM5 site's URL

Define PortalName which could be found withing appsettings.json "ProductConfiguration" section to be either:

  • The MM’s URL if the MM does not have this defined
  • The same as the MM’s if the MM has it defined

The required value for Portalname could be found within table:

SELECT TOP (1000) [ProductName]
  FROM [test_dam].[dbo].[LoginService_Preferences]

Manifest configuration

You should now have a working OC website. Please visit the URL of the installed site in a browser and check that the OC loads.


  • Replace all references to localhost with the OC site reference. E.g. if OC is installed at, then replace localhost with
  • Change the ID to a new, random GUID.
  • Change the "DisplayName" (title) and the "Description" appropriately. The "DisplayName" is the title in the top of the add-in pane (red line below),
  • Go through the labels in the manifest file and ensure that they have the desired values. In particular, the "residOpenButtenText" is the displayed title for the ribbon (blue line below).

Manifest deployment

To deploy the manifest and thus make the OC available for users, go through the following steps with an Office 365 admin account:


If an issue is encountered while deploying, please validate your manifest file with the tool at:

Updating the manifest file

After updating the manifest file (NOTE: not after updating the website itself), a user might not see the effects of the update immediately. To fix this, try following the steps under "Remove an add-in from local cache" on the user's computer:
