All projects created after July 28, 2020, must undergo a compliance audit to be able to make uploaded videoes videos “unlisted” or “public”. If this is not done, videos will be forced to be “private” when uploaded with the YouTube service. The compliance audit process can be initiated from https://support.google.com/youtube/contact/yt_api_form. Consider choosing the “Quota Extension Request” reason, to also increase the quota limit. See the “Important knowledge” section below for more information a bout this. It might be a good idea to actually reach the daily limit before applying for an increased quota. Thus, you can skip this step initially, and then return once you have validated that you are able to upload videos.
When filling in the form for the compliance audit, please feel free to be inspired by the following information will come in handyrequest example:
Your full legal name. Your own name.
Your organization's name. Digizuite ApS
Your organization's website. https://www.digizuite.com/
Your organization's address. Ryttergade 12Østergade 61, 1, 5000 Odense C, Denmark
Does your API Client commercialize YouTube Data? No.
Organization contact email address. Your email address.
Describe your organization's work as it relates to YouTube. Our DAM solution enables clients to upload videos to YouTube directly from our DAM software with a simple drag-and-drop functionality. Furthermore, clients are able to delete videos, which have been uploaded with our integration, directly from our software.
Google representative email address. Can be skipped.
Content Owner ID (if available). Can be skipped.
Please list all your API Client(s). The URL of the DAM Center.
Please list all the project numbers used for each of your API Client(s). This is VERY important. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and ensure that you are logged in with the correct user (top right corner) and that the correct project is chosen (top left corner). Then, in the top right corner, click the burger menu and select “Project settings”. Copy the project number into this entry in the form.
Is this a publicly or privately available API Client? Internal use only.
Where can we find each API Client(s)? The URL of the DAM Center.
If there is a log-in required to access the API client, please provide a demo account and instructions on how to access the API Client. Can be skipped.
Does your API Client commercialize YouTube Data? No.
Choose the option that best resembles your API Client's use case. YouTube video uploads.
Specify all YouTube API Services used by this API Client. Data API.
Select the primary audience for your API Client. Creators.
Approximately how many users use your API Client? Typically not that many.
Explain how your API Client is used by your users. Use the description from “Describe your organization's work as it relates to YouTube” above.
Does your API Client use multiple projects to access YouTube APIs? No.
Does this API Client create, access or use any metrics derived from YouTube data? No.
Does this API Client display data from, or provide features or services across, multiple platforms (ex: Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? No.
Do you create/provide any type of reports using YouTube API Data? No.
How long do you store YouTube API Data? <24 hours.
How often do you refresh YouTube API Data? Never.
Does this API Client allow users to authenticate with their Google credentials. No.
Screencast of API authorisation and usage:
If the “Quota Extension Request” type was chosen in at the top:
Which API Client are you requesting a quota increase for? The URL of the DAM Center.
What API project number are you requesting increased quota for? Use the project number found above.
Which YouTube API Service(s) are you requesting a quota increase for? Data API.
How much "Additional Quota" are you requesting? 500000 500 000 quota points should do.
Justification for requesting additional quota? A larger daily quota is needed to be able to test our YouTube integration properly. With the current quota, we are not able to test it thoroughly, since we reach the daily limitation after a few uploads. This requires us to distribute the testing over multiple days.
Explain in detail how you use YouTube API Services today. Use the description from “Describe your organization's work as it relates to YouTube” above.
What functionality would your API client be lacking without more quota? Use the description from “Justification for requesting additional quota?” above.
What potential workarounds would you use to compensate for less quota? (ex. decreased feature set, estimations, smaller sampling). Use the description from “Justification for requesting additional quota?” above.
Additional project details may be needed (August 2022):
Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Click the menu button and select IAM & admin > Settings.
On the Settings page, you will find the following information:
Project name
Project ID
Project number
Expect the compliance audit process to take at least a few days. The remaining configuration steps can be followed while waiting for the compliance audit response.
In regards to how much one should apply for with the “Additional Quota“, you can try to find out what works for you, by using the following site: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/determine_quota_cost . Expect video upload to cost around 1600 quota points. 500 000 would thus enable one to upload a little over 300 videos a day.
Digizuite configuration
YouTube channel creation
Firstly, make sure that you are logged in with a user that has the “Youtube_Admin” role. Administrators and Super Administrators have this role by default.
Then, click the “Settings” Settings icon on the top-right corner . Select “YouTube”, and create and select General Settings.
Click YouTube in the Settings menu on the left side of the screen to access the YouTube configuration settings.
At the top center of the screen in green letters, click on Create a new YouTube client. The ClientID, ClientSecret, and ChannelId from the configuration above will be needed here. There are two parameters with default values:
Once a YouTube client has been created, it needs to be authorized. This can be done via the UI in the settings section in MM5. If you are getting an “Access denied”, try this step: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65756266/error-403-access-denied-the-developer-hasn-t-given-you-access-to-this-app-despi. After successful authorization, videos will automatically be uploaded to YouTube, when they are published to the created YouTube channel. A video, which has been published to the YouTube channel in the DAM Center and has been successfully uploaded, will be deleted from YouTube if it is either deleted from the DAM Center or unpublished.