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9.1 How to use

a different

another user than admin to manage silo synchronization

If using an already existing user as the one who can create/sync silos other than admin / b, then enable autoCreateDigizuiteMember. Once the DFS module is installed and configured:

  1. Login to Sitecore
  2. Go to User Manager
  3. Edit the user and add these 2 roles to the user
    1. Sitecore\DFS
    2. Sitecore\ Digizuite DAM for Sitecore Administrators
  4. Log out and then login log in with the user again. Now the user will automatically be created in the Digizuite™ DAM Center (DC) and should be able to create/synchronize silos.

9.2 Access key cache

By default, the access key from Digizuite™ DAM Center DC is cached for 5 min. The setting can be changed in DFS.settings.config.

Code Block
<setting name="DFS.Connect.LogonCache.TimeToLiveInSeconds" value="300" />

The Digizuite™ DAM Center DC also has a configuration about how long an access key lives. By default, it is 24 hours. It is important that the Digizuite access key period is greater than the Sitecore access key cache period.

9.3 How to configure which metadata to show in the asset preview area (Dam Explorer and Asset browser)

It is configuable which metadata that is showing in the asset preview area. It can show standard data about the asset, like width, height, file size etc. It can also show custom made metadata that is bound to the asset. The custom made metadata is configured in Digizuite™ DAMthe DC. Remember that the custom made metadata can only be used in the module, if they are synchronized into Sitecore.

The configuration is located in this file: /App_Config/Include/damforsitecore/DFS.Settings.config under the section <DFS.AssetPreview.Metadata>.
This is the default configuration.:

Code Block
      <metadata dictionaryKey="description" field="Description" type="note" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="filesize" field="FileSizeAbbreviated" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="width" field="ImageWidth" append=" px" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="height" field="ImageHeight" append=" px" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="videowidth" field="VideoWidth" append=" px" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="videoheight" field="VideoHeight" append=" px" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="duration" field="VideoLength" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="typename" field="AssetTypeName" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="importedby" field="ImportedBy" />
      <metadata dictionaryKey="importeddate" field="CreatedDateTime" type="datetime" />

Valid xml attributes for the metadata tag are: dictionaryKey, field, type, append and metafieldId.
You wont can't have both field and metafieldId in the same metada metadate tag, only one of them.


This is the key pointing into a dictionary located in the core database.
If the key does not exists in the dictionary, the UI will use the key as the label.


These are the standard values about an asset, like width, height, file size etc. The valid list  list fields are:

AssetId, AssertName, AssetTypeId, AssetTypeName, Filesize, FilesizeAbbreviated, ImportedBy, CreatedDateTime, ChangedDataTime, Extension, VideoLength, VideoWidth, VideoHeight,
VideoFps, VideoRotation, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageDpi, Description


At this current implementation we have 3 valid types:

  • datetime
    Will transform the datetime into a readable string.
  • bool
    Will print True or False
  • note
    Will treat this as a big text, if the text is larger than 99 characters, it will then show a read more button.
appendWill append to the value, ex. width we append  " px", will look like this 244 px.

These are the custom metadata, defined in Digizuite™ DAM. The custom metadata can be found under this location in the master database.
Each of the items, has a field called MetaFieldId, this is the one to use.

To determine the type, by the DatatypeId.
Int = 51
String = 60
Bit = 61
Money = 62
DateTime = 64
Metagroup = 65
MultiComboValue = 67
ComboValue = 68
EditComboValue = 69
EditMultiComboValue = 169
Note = 70
Float = 82
Tree = 300
Link = 350

9.4 Define which fields free text search in (DAM Explorer and Asset Browser)

By default freetext default the freetext search in the DAM Explorer and the Asset Browser searches in these the following fields: assetid, name, description, extension, importedby, assettypename.This These cannot be changedremoved from the search. You have the option to can, however, add more fields to the freetext search.

The configuration is located in this file: /App_Config/Include/damforsitecore/DFS.Settings.config under the section <DFS.AssetSearchableMetadata>.

To add a custom metadata fields, you inset insert this tag:<metadata dataTypeId="" fieldId=""/>, the fieldId is the Item ID and the dataTypeId can be found on the metafield item.

The custom metafields can be found under this location in the master database. /sitecore/system/Modules/Digizuite/MetaDataRoot/MetaGroupRoot. Each of the items, item has a field called dataTypeId.

By default the <DFS.AssetSearchableMetadatasection is empty.

Example Here's an example with one extra field.:

Code Block
      <metadata dataTypeId="60" fieldId="{D87A8D4A-89E8-70D4-9036-DDA294C6B8D2}"/>

In order to see the changes, you have to rebuild the index (dfs_assets_master_index).

9.5 Video player (JQuery 2.1.4 conflicts)

The default configuration uses a custom video player called FlowPlayer. This is provided by Digizuite. This It uses JQuery 2.1.4 which can sometimes conflict conflicts with existing Sitecore sites. To diable disable this, you leave the following tag blank:

Code Block
<setting name="DFS.EmbedPlayerScriptInclude">
  <patch:attribute name="value"></patch:attribute>

This fallbacks can fallback to the default HTML5 player, however, but then no JQuery is isn't used.

9.6 Auto synchronization of assets

DAM For Sitecore DFS has a pipeline that synchronizes assets automatically. Sometimes on On larger Sitecore instances this synchronization sometimes misses some assets due to workload on the server.

If you start experiencing this behavior is experiences, one can try tweaking , then you can tweaking the following parameter:

Code Block
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <setting name="DFS.AssetSiloSettings.Default.OverlapOnSiloSync" value="2" />

This parameter adds an overlap on for the automatic silo synchronization such . This means that the period for which asset updates is asked where the the timer (hook) asks for changes in the DC is extended by that value. It means In that way, assets that may be have been missed in the first run, is will be synchronized in the next run. The value is in minutes.

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