- Microsoft™ SQL Server 2014 or higher with an existing DAM installation.
- To use the Power BI reporting service, at least one Power BI PRO account with configured on-premises data gateway.
- Digizuite™ Insights files: Database installer and the Power BI file.
This step is also required when updating.
Database installation / update
The database content is delivered as an executable that performs all necessary updates an existing Insights database.
Step 1 and 2 are only necessary for new installations. If performing an update you may skip to step 3.
Step 1 (only for new installations):
Create a new Insights database (e.g. "dzreporting") next to the DAM database.
Step 2 (only for new installations):
Create a new SQL server login (e.g. "insights") that has the following properties:
- Default database = "dzreporting"
- Under User Mapping set "db_owner, public" for the insights database, and "db_datareader" for the DAM database.
You can use any authentication you want (Windows/SQL), just as long as it is the same all over and the permissions are met. This is just an example.
Step 3:
Unblock and unpack the database zip file into a local folder.
Step 4:
Edit the file "Digizuite.Insights.DbUpgrade.exe.config" with a text-editor and change to match you setup:
- ConnectionString (use credentials created in step 2).
- DAMDatabaseName
Step 5:
Run the executable "Digizuite.Insights.DbUpgrade.exe" and inspect the output (optionally using the created 'log.txt').
Power BI
- Create a Power BI PRO account and login (or use an existing).
- Install Power BI Desktop on any computer (may be on SQL server). - Open the PBIX file and publish to the Power BI account.
- Download and install the Power BI gateway on the SQL server - Setup the Gateway using the Power BI account and ensure that is is available in Power BI settings afterwards.
- Go to the DataSet in Power BI and enable desired schedule for updating the online cube.
- Optional: Install Power BI Mobile:
Self-service access
To setup self-service access you need to create a SQL login that defines:
- Read access to the Insights database using the SELFSERVICE schema.
- Execute rights on the [dbo].[spHelp] stored procedure.
Insights Installation & Configuration Guides
On the SQL Server, right click Databases, and select New Database
In the New Database dialogue box type a name for the Database EG DZReporting and click OK
On the SQL Server expand Databases and check the Database has been created
Expand Security and right click Logins and click New Login
In the Login New dialogue box type a name for the new Login EG (Insights)
Type a password for the login
Deselect the 3 password policy check boxes
In the Default database drop down menu select DZReporting
In the Select a page panel, select User Mapping, in the Users mapped to login select DZReporting and below in the Database role membership for : DZReporting box select db_Owner.
Then select the Dam database in the Users mapped to login and below in the Database role membership for : the dam database select db_datareader and click OK
Copy the Insights installation zip folder to the Server, and extract the files.
Open the extracted folder and edit the config file with Notepad or any other Text editor.
In the XML file the Connection string and database name need to be input and the changes saved
Next we run the Digizuite.Insights.DbUpgrade by double clicking the exe file
Click Yes in the User Account Control dialogue box.
The upgrade process starts to run
This may take some time, as the database is 80mb in size
After the upgrade is complete the next step is to import the PBIX file into Power BI, the simplest way is to double click the PBIX file, or from Power BI Desktop click File, Open and browse to the file location
and click Open
This will load the PBIX in to Power BI Desktop
This has loaded the template as is, it now needs to be configured to Point to the right Database and login with the right credentials
Click File, Options and Settings and Data source settings
In the Data source settings dialogue box, right click the current source and select Change Source
In the SQL Server database type the Servers IP address and the database name and click OK
Right click the source again and select Edit Permissions
In the Edit Permissions dialogue box Under Credentials click Edit
In the dialogue box, select Database in the left hand panel, then enter the Username and password for the login you created earlier on the SQL Server, then click Save.
Click OK and click Close
In Power BI Click Refresh to update the data loaded in the PBIX file/template
Your dataset is now loaded, the next step is to Publish this to the Power BI Service
From the ribbon in Power BI Desktop click Publish, you will be prompted Do you want to save your changes ?
Click Save
You will be prompted to Select a destination to Publish to, make your choice and click Select.
The process will now run
Once completed your are presented with the following dialogue box
The next step is to configure and test the gateway.
From the Power BI Service/Portal select downloads, then data gateway
Click on the Download Gateway button
After the download has completed, browse to thefiles location, right click the application and select Run as administrator
Click Next in the On premises data gateway installer dialogue box
After choosing On-premises data gateway (recommended) option, click Next
The installer will start preparing the installation files
Click Next in the Reminder befor you install dialogue box
In the next dialogue box, choose an install location or accept the default, click to accept the terms of use and privacy statement, then click Install
The installation will now begin
After the installation is completed you will be prompted to enter an email address to be used with the gateway, then click sign in
Enter your login credentials in the EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator box and click OK
Next you will need to register the gateway, assign the gateway a name, input a recovery key, add to an existing gateway cluster if one exists and click Configure.
After the configuration is completed you will see the follwoing dialogue box, click Close
To configure the gateway, click the settings cog in the Power Bi Service portal, then click Manage gateways
On the Gateway Cluster Settings page, select your gateway and click Add data source to use the gateway
In the Data Source Settings complete the Data Source Name, Select the Data Source Type, Server IP Address, Database Name and Select an authentication method and click Add
Once the connection has been setup the following dialogue box will be displayed
The gateway is now ready for use.