After installation of the NuGet package, a new "<digizuite>" element has been added to your web.config's "configuration" element. It has been added as the last child element of "configuration".
Here is an example of how it can look:
<digizuite baseGuid="74EAEAD1-B892-431A-BEDF-7226E2CEDDCB" redirectvideostream="false" disablenotifications="false" validFullSearchNamespaces="EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentIndexer,EPiServer.Find.Cms.IndexingJobService"> <cache folderName="Digizuite" tempFolderName="DigizuiteTemp" timeout="10:00"/> <media defaultVideoFormat="50040" defaultImageFormat="50034" defaultDestination="10010" /> <mediaManager url="" /> <digizuiteIntegration siteUrl="" guid="" subscriptions="1" deleteBlob="false" /> <cdn baseUrl="" destinationId="" /> <connection baseUrl="" user="Episerver" secret="55f2f63f09ff4f73f75fbb7d7e6e69b0" versionId="/1/" /> <roleMappings> <add DigizuiteRole="Episerver Users" EpiserverRoles="Everyone" /> <add DigizuiteRole="Episerver Editors" EpiserverRoles="WebEditors,ContentEditors" /> <add DigizuiteRole="Episerver Administrators" EpiserverRoles="Administrators,WebAdmins" /> </roleMappings> <fallbackIconMappings> <add documentType="video" extensions="mp4,avi,mov,flv,mwv,mkv,avchd,h264,vob,m4v" /> <add documentType="sound" extensions="wav,aiff,mp3,aac,ogg,wma,flac,alac" /> <add documentType="zip" extensions="zip,tar,iso,par,7z,rar" /> <add documentType="presentation" extensions="ppt,pptx,key,odp,pps" /> <add documentType="images" extensions="png,tif,gif,raw,eps,jpg,bmp,psd,svg,ai" /> <add documentType="spreadsheet" extensions="xls,xml,csv,xlsx,numbers" /> <add documentType="text" extensions="docx,doc,pdf,rtf,txt,opd" /> </fallbackIconMappings> </digizuite>
Main Digizuite Element
The digizuite element has some attributes. Each of these are described below.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | baseGuid | No | (a hardcoded guid) | A guid that is used as the 'foundation' to generate all the assets Content Guid. Usually you won't have to change this. |
string | name | No | "" | The name with which the integration identifies itself - for example when sending editor notifications |
bool | redirectvideostream | No | false | Default behavior is to have Episerver act as a video proxy for video assets. If this is set to true, Episerver will instead redirect the video streams to the DAM directly. |
bool | disablenotifications | No | false | If set to true, will supress editor notifications from the integration. |
bool | autoattach | No | true | Controls if the Digizuite Content Provider should automatically attach after initialization to an entry point automatically created. If this is false, you will need to manually configure the content provider. |
string | autoattachname | No | "Digizuite" | The name of the entry point automatically created in Auto Attach mode. |
string | validFullSearchNamespaces | No | EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentIndexer,EPiServer.Find.Cms.IndexingJobService | Comma-separated list of valid namspaceses. Here you add the valid namespaceses that are allowed to do a full search and requesting all assets from Digizuite through our DigizuiteContentProvider. By default is is only the Find indexing that are allowed. |
bool | preventdigizuitemediatypesinepiserverfolder | No | true | Prevent that Digizuite media types can be uploaded to a Episerver media folder. |
Child element: connection
The connection is the most important child element. This is where the main connection setting pointing to the DAM is specified. Typically you will replace this with connections settings you have gotten from your own DAM Center.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | baseUrl | Yes | Base url to the DAM Center | |
string | user | Yes | Sync user that the integration can use in the DAM Center | |
string | secret | Yes | The hashed secret that the integrations sync user should use. | |
string | versionId | Yes | A DAM Center can have many different products: Media Manager, DAM for Sitecore, Adobe Connector, Office Connector, etc. Each of these can have many versions. These versions facilitate having different configuration, searches, and other things, which can change the experience for the end user. These various versions are defined by their versionId. If the original version has versionId "/1/", then its first child will have "/1/0/". The versionId is an SQL data type called hierarchy ID. It is a tree structure. A use case may be that you want to experiment with some configuration, so you create a new version of DFE in the DAM Center. Then you can alter the versionId attribute on your EPi Server site to "/1/0/", and do your tests, while your public DFE integration still use the "/1/" versionId. |
Child element: cache
The cache element controls the caching - both binary on-disk caching as well as some of the in-memory asset meta-data caching.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | folderName | Yes | "Digizuite" | The folder name below App_Data where the main binary cache is located. |
string | tempFolderName | Yes | "DigizuiteTemp" | The folder name below App_Data where the temporary upload cache is located. |
string | missingImage | No | "" | The site relative url to an image to use for a "No-image" image in cases where a requested image cannot be served. |
string | timeout | No | "10:00" | Default cache time out setting. |
Child element: media
The media element defines the default media formats (DAM Center ID's) to retrieve if nothing else is specified. Usually the default settings will be sufficient.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | defaultVideoFormat | Yes | Default Video format ID | |
string | defaultImageFormat | Yes | Default Image format ID | |
string | defaultDestination | Yes | Default destination ID (on the DAM Center) |
Child element: mediaManager
If you have a Media Manager (version 5 or later) configured on your DAM Center, the integration to Episerver supports showing deep links to assets there. In order to do that, you must set the base url to the Media Manager.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | url | No | "" | If not set, it will not show deep links to the Media Manager. If set, it will try to build deep links in the UI for Media Manager for the individual assets. |
Child element: roleMappings
Since access rights can be set on individual assets in the DAM Center, you can use the list of roleMappings to map DAM Center roles to Episerver roles in order to ensure proper permissions for various editor groups. The default configuration of these elements should be sufficient in most cases.
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | DigizuiteRole | Yes | n/a | The name of the role in Digizuite to map. |
string | EpiserverRoles | Yes | n/a | A comma separated list of Episerver roles that be given similar permissions to the Digizuite Role. |
Child element: fallbackIconMappings
The fallbackIconMappings list is in order to ensure that for assets where a proper thumbnail cannot be shown, we can map the various file extensions to a fitting icon. Typically the default should be sufficient.
Each element in this list has the settings below:
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | documentType | Yes | n/a | The icon for the document type - for instance "video" for a video icon. |
string | extensions | Yes | n/a | A comma separated list of file extensions to map for the above document type. |
Child element: digizuiteIntegration
The digizuiteIntegration is used to setup the connection between Episerver and Digiziuite and listen for events in digizuite whenever an asset is updated. It is important that the guid is set and atleast one ot the chagetypes is added to the subscriptions property.
Each element in this list has the settings below:
Type | Name | Required | Default | Description |
string | siteUrl | No | n/a | This is the episerver site url which Digizuite integration will call when a change occurs. |
string | guid | No | n/a | This is a guid that should be unique for each Episerver instance. Will be used to create a new endpoint in Digizuite DAM center. |
string | subscriptions | No | n/a | A comma separated list of changeTypes. Possible values are: AssetChanged = 1, MetafieldChanged = 2, TreeValueChanged = 4, ComboValueChanged = 8 |
bool | deleteBlob | No | false | By default this is false. Enable this if each instance of a loadbalanced enviroment has its own local blob storage. |