DFS 9.0.0 - Upgrade

DFS 9.0.0 - Upgrade

You are about to upgrade from a previous version to DFS 9.0.0. There have been some major changes to this release. Which requires yours attention.

Follow these steps - Before updating to 9.0.0:

  1. We have removed the member- and role providers in this release. Which means that you have to remove them from Sitecore's web.config.
    1. Navigate to the <membership section and remove the node with the name DefaultDigizuiteMembershipProvider.
    2. In the same section, find the node with the name Sitecore and change the realProviderName to sql.
    3. Navigate to the <roleManager section and remove the node with the name DefaultDigizuiteRoleProvider.
    4. In the same section, find the node with the name Sitecore and change the realProviderName to sql.
  2. Before installing the DFS 9.0.0, it is very important that your silo item is serialized to disk which is located here sitecore → Media Library → Digizuite. The installation will remove this item, and all content pages will have broken links until you revert the silo item back to your solution. It is very important that the silo ItemId is the same before and after the installation. 

If you are sure that the silo item has been serialized to disk, you may proceed with installing the new DFS 9.0.0 package. While installing, remember to overwrite all.

Follow these steps - After updating to 9.0.0:

  1. Since we removed the DFS membership provider. You have to assign the role sitecore\Digizuite DAM for Sitecore Users to the user extranet\Anonymous. If you don't do this, you won't be able to see any DFS assets on the public website as the anonymous user.
  2. As mentioned in step 2 above, revert the silo item back to your solution.
  3. After having done the above, continue with step 3 of the installation guide: DFS 9.0.0 - 3 Setting up Sitecore

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