For adding Digizuite Connector to your team, please click on profile button and choose “Apps & Integrations“.
In the “Search“ field start to type “cloud“ and click on “Cloud content Connector“
Choose “Connections“ and click on “Add new Connection“
Fill “Domain URL”, “Client ID” and “Client Secret” fields (where to get this data please see below).
URL is:
“Domain URL“ - URL of Azure Functions that provides Wrike with Data.
“Client ID“ and “Client Secret“ - can be received by running “DigizuiteConnectorSettings“ API method from the swagger (Domain URL/api/swagger/ui#/Wrike/ClientSecret).
channelFolderId can be found here: DZW - DAM configuration
clientName - will be shown as name of integration.
After filling “Domain URL”, “Client ID”, “Client Secret” fields and clicking the “Connect“ button it will ask you to login, so just click “Open window“ button.
It will validate all settings and login you to the system, make sure that all checkmarks are green and click “Done“ button.
And then you can see just added connector in the “Connections” section