It is possible to prevent other users from performing certain actions while an asset is in use. This can be done by checking in out. The ability to check out assets is only granted to the user with the correct role, however the action of checking out assets will affect other users regardless of their access to the functionality by limiting their access to the asset. For more information, please refer to documentation on roles.
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Checking in and checking out
You can check out an asset by selecting ‘More’ on an asset card and then ‘Check out’.
You can check out one or multiple assets by marking them, and then selecting ‘Check out’ in the multiselect menu on the top bar.
In both cases, successful check out will be confirmed by a pop up notification in the lower right corner.
Once the asset is checked the status will change to ‘Checked out’. Upon hovering over the action button, it will change to ‘Check in’. Clicking on it will release the asset.
Checked out assets and other users
The effect of checking out asset(s) on other users depends on their roles.
If another user has the ability to use the check out functionality:
The status of the asset will appear as checked out
Upon hovering on the check out status, information on who checked out the asset will appear
Options ‘Replace’, ‘Delete’ and ‘Permanently delete’ will be greyed out (inactive)
Hovering on the inactive options will reveal a tooltip explaining that the asset is checked out
If another user has the ability to use the check out functionality as well to override the check outs, then additionally:
Upon hovering on the status, it will change to ‘Force check in’
Clicking the status will result in the asset being forcefully checked in and can again be used by other users
If another user doesn’t have the ability to use the check out functionality:
Options ‘Replace’, ‘Delete’ and ‘Permanently delete’ will be greyed out (inactive)
Hovering on the inactive options will reveal a tooltip explaining that the asset is checked out