DFS 11.0 - 4 Configuration settings
Here you will find a complete list of all the DAM for Sitecore related settings. They are located in the file App_Config → include → damforsitecore → DFS.Settings.config. At a running instance you can inspect the settings from the Administration dashboard. https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/3425140819
Setting name | Default value | Description |
DFS.AssetDatabase | master or web | The database the connector will use. It uses role:require. On Standalone or ContentManagement it is master db and on ContentDelivery it uses web db. |
DFS.DefaulAssetSiloId | {BAEEFE6B-74DF-44BE-8A2B-CCFB2C57AF8E} | This is the bucket item containing all the asset items. Located at /sitecore/media library/Digizuite/Assets. |
DFS.Digizuite.MediaManagerUrl | {URL TO MEDIA MANAGER} | The url to Digizuite Mediamanager. This parameter is required. |
DFS.OnlySyncAssetsInDefaultLanguage | true | If this is true the assets will allways be synchronized in one language. The one from the setting DFS.Digizuite.Default.LanguageId and DFS.AssetSilo.Default.Language. Read more about multiple language support https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/3324119715 |
DFS.Digizuite.Default.LanguageId | 3 | The default digizuite language id. |
DFS.AssetSilo.Default.Language | en | The default language code in Sitecore. |
DFS.Digizuite.DefaultVideoQualityId | 50039 |
DFS.Digizuite.DefaultAudioQualityId | 10056 |
DFS.Digizuite.DefaultThumbFormatId | 3 |
DFS.Digizuite.DefaultLargeThumbFormatId | 2 |
DFS.CacheLocation | /App_Data/DigizuiteMediaCache | The path on the server where the assets saved for cache purpose. |
DFS.Synchronization.BatchSize | 50 | When doing a full sync of assets from Digizuite, this controls how many assets to fetch pr. batch. See https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/3424026747. |
DFS.Cleanup.Force.Delete.AssetInUse | false | Before we delete items in the silo, we check if they are used in any content page. If this is false and it is used, then we dont delete the item, but will fire a logs statment. If this is true, then we we allways delete the item. Leaving the content page with a broken link. |
DFS.MediaCacheConcurrentWait | 50 | If the file is in use by the file system, then wait this amount of miliseconds. |
DFS.MediaPipeline.CDN.Prefix |
| If the media files are stored in and CDN, use this setting to append the cdn prefix to all the media urls. |
DFS.MediaPipeline | dfsmedia | The base name for the mediahandler url like this src="/dfsmedia/baeefe6b74df44be8a2bccfb2c57af8e/2095-50036/fox". If you change this, then you also have to change the web.config. Changing the mediahandler. See DFS 11.0 - 3 Setting up Sitecore. |
DFS.MediaPipeline.downloadFilename.mask | {stampvalue-asset:name} | Control the filname when downloading digizuite media assets. See https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/3324119847. |
DFS.MediaPipeline.Valid.Video.Extensions | mp4,webm,ogg | When streaming vidseo assets from the media pipeline, then this is a whitelist of supported extension. |
DFS.Notifications.ApiKey | 96963107-02c6-42bf-81a9-7cfd450c1b4d | An auth apikey, that is used to verify the incoming request to update the assets in the asset silo. |
DFS.Services.AssetNotFoundImage.MimeType | image/jpg | The mimetype of the not found image. |
DFS.Services.AssetNotFoundImage.Path | /App_Data/AssetNotFound.jpg | THe path to a fallback image. |
DFS.Request.ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds | 5 | HttpClient.Timeout when calling Digizuite API’s. This is in seconds. |