This feature is dependant on MM 5.5.4’s update scripts having run
This feature enables Media Manager users to go to any Adobe asset, created using the CCC, and see which other assets are used within it.
We call this feature “Asset relation“
Dam Center
When the Creative cloud connector - Asset linktype relation is set in the DAM Center → ConfigManager → Media Manager 5 → 5.0.0 → [Your version], then the “Asset Relation” feature can be used in the Creative Cloud Connector
Note: Never edit the 5.0.0’s data. Always edit a sub-version of 5.0.0.
Using the feature
Creative Cloud Connector
When a document is uploaded or replaced in the CCC, the inserted DAM assets inside the active document will become related to each other.
Example: Upload a new document
This will also be the same for “Upload from disk”
The image below shows an Adobe document, which has yet to be uploaded to the DAM. When clicking the “New Asset” button, the document will be uploaded to the DAM as an InDesign asset with two asset relations: One with the picture of a cat, and one other with the picture of a koala.
When the document has been uploaded, then the asset relation can be seen in the asset preview.
Click on the “Related assets” tab, and look in the field “CCC - ADOBE LINKS“ where they will now appear.
Example: Replace document
In the image below is a document that has been uploaded to the DAM. When clicking the “Replace existing Asset” button, the asset relation will be updated within the document.
When the document has been replaced, then the asset relation can be seen in the asset preview.
Then click the asset to see the related assets to the document
Under the “Related assets” tab, the assets within the document and the asset history will be shown
Example: See document(s) an asset is used in
The image below show an asset in the DAM that has been used in an document. To see which document(s) the asset has been used in, go to the asset preview
Click on the “Related assets” tab, and look in the field “CCC - ADOBE LINKS“.
Initially it will say: “No assets in this group”. To show the related assets, click the show the related assets button