Digizuite supports converting assets to different formats.

For instance, a thumbnail is automatically generated for a wide range of file types, allowing for an easy visual identification of assets in e.g. the Media Manager and integrations.

The entire system related to formats and their conversions is referred to as the transcode system.

This section covers the most important concepts related to configuring and using formats in Digizuite.

Format definition

A format has a format type, which is defined by a file extension. Examples of supported format types are:

A format defines the output of a transcode, which is the process of converting an input file from one encoding to another. When an asset is transcoded to a format, the end result is called a rendition or quality.

Digizuite comes with a set of predefined formats, primarily used for thumbnails and previews. However these formats can be edited, and other formats can be defined. Formats can be configured from the system administration page in the Media Manager.


By default, thumbnails are generated as webp files with transparency, optimized for efficient loading on web pages.

When defining a format, the following parameters must be set:



If a rendition/quality of an asset is requested but has not been generated yet, it is always automatically generated. This is referred to as on-demand transcoding. This feature makes it possible to ensure that renditions/qualities are only generated when needed.

The transcode system also supports pre-generating renditions/qualities before they are requested. This is e.g. useful for thumbnails and previews, which are always needed. However, it can e.g. also be used to automatically start time-consuming transcodes of large videos.

Renditions/qualities can be pre-generated in two ways:

  1. On upload and replace: This can be configured with the “Immediately generated for” parameter when defining a format, as described above.

  2. Triggered from an automation: