DC 4.8.0

DC 4.8.0

Four tags removed from ItemWatcher's replace functionality

The tags [%BE_Username and [%BE_Password and their equivalent FE variants have all been removed. The member tag will provide what is needed instead.

We have not been able to find any current example of their use so the removal is expected to be without complications. However, if an example is found where the member tag is not enough, please contact the Digizuite R&D team for assistance.

How it works

If after an update to this version og the Digizuite DAM Center, an ItemWatcher instance is encountered using this tag a warning is logged. The configuration will work except the replaced result will be empty. So if this was previously used to send a password as part of a workflow the password will now be empty.

How to configure it

If in need of member related replace logic use the member replace tag. See ItemWatcher documentation for detailed information.

Embed player changes

The Digizuite DAM Center embed player now has the same functionality as the Digizuite Media Manager counterpart. The previous embed functionality "Playlist logic" is not supported anymore, which means that you cannot use script tags when adding the player to a page anymore.

How to access it

How it works

Now we insert the embed player in a iframe object. See example.

<iframe width="640px" height="360px" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" src="https://[DAM URL]/dmm3bwsv3/embedplayer/play.aspx?aid=23&autostart=false&width=640&height=360&videoquality=desktopH264&fs=1" style=""></iframe>

How to configure it

Better language support

The Digizuite DAM Center now has better support for adding new languages

How to access it

This language feature is accessed in the Digizuite under System tools

How it works

In the Language tab click add new language. By default only a new metadata language is added, however, one can chose to add a new language as system language as well

How to configure it

If the language does not exist in the database already a copy is made of English and this copy can then be translated.

Thumbnails generated from PSD files will now be much clearer

The Digizuite DAM Center can generate thumbnails from your PSD files, that look much clearer, making your experience of browsing your PSD collection a breeze.

How to access it

Simply start uploading PSD files through your Digizuite products like you've always done. When they've been fully uploaded, previewing PSD asset in your different Digizuite products will be much more crisp experience.

How to configure it

After having been updated to this version of the Digizuite DAM Center, you'll automatically have received this feature.

Please be aware that some PSD files are as of now unsupported by the new PSD implementation, as the third party component that is used contains some limitations.

How to access it

How it works

How to configure it

How to access it

How it works

How to configure it

How to access it

How it works

How to configure it

How to access it

How it works

How to configure it

How to access it

How it works

How to configure it