DC 5.8 Elastic Search on-premise
To install Elastic search on-premise, do the following
This documentation is written for Elastic search version 8.1.2
Download the latest version of Elastic as a zip
Download the latest version of Elastic search from their website
Install Elastic search as a service on windows
To install Elastic search as a windows service follow Elastic search documentation
The service is going to run from the folder you run the command from. Thus you should properly move it into a dedicated “services” folder like the one you creates from the DC PowerShell script.
Install Elasticsearch with .zip on Windows | Elasticsearch Guide [8.1] | Elastic
Set a RAM limit on Elastic search
This MUST be done before starting Elastic search service as otherwise it will consume all available RAM on the server!
Open a commandline in the bin directory in which the service is installed and type the following command
elasticsearch-service.bat manager
This opens op the following dialog
Go to the Java tab and limit the initial memory pool and maximum memory pool settings. This setting should be increased with the amount of assets and metadata on the system to index.
Edit and Start the service
Per default the Service does not automatically start. This must be edited from the Services Windows UI.
Once this has been edited, start the installed service
Alternatively running the following command also starts the service
elasticsearch-service.bat start
Reset the password for the elastic user
Elastic search is password protected and this must be reset in order to authenticate against the service. This can be achieved from the commandline tools.
Open a commandline in the bin directory of the elastic service and type the following command
elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic
Once the operation has been completed, the password of the user is shown in the commandline
Validate that Elastic is running
Open a browser and type in the below url
The should prompt you with a login dialog in which you type elastic as username and the password from the step above.
If Elastic is installed and runs correctly, you should see something like this
Generate an API key
In order to actually use Elastic, you must generate an API key. This is done using their API.
This can be done using the following documentation
Create API key API | Elasticsearch Guide [8.17] | Elastic
Using Postman this can be done using the following steps
Make a new POST request with the following url http://localhost:9200/_security/api_key
In the Authorization Params tab, chose Basic Auth in the Type dropdown.
Put in the Elastic username and password used the previous steps
In the Body Params tab, chose Rawi in the selection and JSON in the dropdown
Put in the following body
Execute the request
This should give you the following response
The API key to use is the encoded key in the response
Insert the API key in the appsettings.json
In the Appsettings file of the LegacyService (Webs/DigizuiteCore/LegacyService/appsettings.json)
Insert the API key from the above step in the section for Elastic search