DC 6.1 3rd party licenses
DC 6.1 3rd party licenses
In Digizuite DAM Center, the following 3rd party tools are utilised
- Sencha Ext JS v. 6.5.3
- ImageMagick v. 7.0.8 *
- Magic.Net
- FFMPeg v. 4.1.0 *
- ExifTool v.10.86 *
- NServiceBus v. 7.1.3
- https://particular.net/licensing# (Royalty-free edition)
- LazyCache v. 2.0.1
- Log4net v. 2.0.8
- Newtonsoft.json v. 12.02
- MetadataExtractor v. 2.1.0
- XmpCore v. 6.1.10
- Solr 8.3.1 *
- AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK (as part of Solr) *
- RabbitMQ 3.8.9 *
- Erlang 23.1 *
- Aspose File format API
- WindowsAzure.Storage
- NUnit
- Moq
- DotNetZip
- NserviceBus
- Owin
- RestSharp v. 106.1.1
- BouncyCastle v. 1.8.5
- AutoFac v. 5.1.2
- Castle.Core v. 4.4.0
- Google.Apis v. 1.46.0
- SharpZipLib v.1.2
- Zlib.portable.signed v. 1.11.0
, multiple selections available,