MM 6.1 Related assets

MM 6.1 Related assets

All the assets related to another asset are displayed in the panel on the right. Some of the relations are established automatically by the system as a result of specific user actions, while other can be made manually.


When the user creates a new crop of an image or a new trim of a video, one of the available options is to create a new asset related to the original asset:

Once the system finishes processing the new crop or trim, the new asset becomes accessible in the panel ā€˜Related assetsā€™ under the section ā€˜Cropsā€™/'Trims.

Asset history

In Media Manager the user can access all the previous versions of an asset. Once the system finishes an asset replacement process, the access to the old asset is located to the section ā€˜Asset historyā€™ in the panel ā€˜Related assetā€™. This is where the user can preview the entire history of asset replacements.

Show Master Item Reference assets

The user can manually create a relation between two or more assets using ā€œMaster Item Referenceā€ and fields (and Slave Item Reference, but weā€™ll not describe how they function here).

To have these fields displayed in the Related asset tab, you will have to add a Master Item Reference field to your system. Then, go to Settings ā†’ Administration ā†’ Portal ā†’ Your portal ā†’ Configuration ā†’ default ā†’ Asset relation metadata fields, and add your Master Item Reference field (or fields) to this list

Only the metafield type ā€œMaster Item Referenceā€ can be used for these.

Once the related assets are selected and the change is saved, these assets will automatically appear in the ā€˜Related assetsā€™ panel under the category with the same name as the metadata field.

Adobe links

It is also possible to preview the links created within the Adobe assets through the Adobe Creative Cloud Connector in Media Manager. In order to preview the linked assets, navigate to section ā€˜CCC - Adobe linksā€™ under the ā€˜Related assetsā€™ panel.