Note: roles in many ways are similar to rules. Roles can be applied to either individual users or group of users. When added to groups, users in the group may still have individual rules added. Also, be aware that roles in certain cases may cancel out or overlap each other.
Roles | Description |
Editor_Catalogs | Access to the catalog folders |
Editor_Old_Interface | User has access to the pre 4.0 DAM Center |
Editor_Portal | Has access to channel folders. Can issue and amend data in channels. |
Editor_SystemTools_AllwaysAllowItemSecurityEdit | Gives the user read access to all items and the possibility to always edit rights for these items. |
Editor_SystemTools_Config | Has access to the Config manager |
Editor_SystemTools_Dam | Has access to the DAM administration (Metadata). |
Editor_SystemTools_Destinations | Has access to Destinations. |
Editor_SystemTools_DigizuiteConfig | Has access to allow configuration. |
Editor_SystemTools_License | Admin Rights for License |
Editor_SystemTools_MediaFormat | Can access the Media formats. |
Editor_SystemTools_MediaFormatType | Admin rights for format types |
Editor_SystemTools_Metadata | Can configure the Metadata fields and groups |
Editor_SystemTools_MetaDataLanguage | Admin rights for MataDataLanguages |
Editor_SystemTools_PlayerTemplate | Admin Rights for PlayerTemplates |
Editor_SystemTools_Profiles | Can see and edit profiles. |
Editor_SystemTools_Status | Admin Rights for Status |
Editor_SystemTools_Stopwords | Admin Rights for Stopwords |
Editor_SystemTools_TranscodeSetting | Can see and edit transcode Settings. |
Editor_SystemTools_UserManager_Groups | Can see and edit local and frontend groups |
Editor_SystemTools_UserManager_Users | Can see and edit local and frontend users |
Editor_SystemTools_Wizard | Admin Rights for Wizard |
Editor_SystemTools_Workflow | Admin Rights for Workflow |
RunningJobs_AdminViewSubmitXML | Controls whether the user has the right to see the JobChain xml for the selected job. |
RunningJobs_ChangePriority | Controls whether the user has the right to change the priority of a running JobChain. |
RunningJobs_EditAll | Controls whether the user has the right to modify in any running jobs. |
RunningJobs_EditOwn | Controls whether the user has the right to change the job he has started. |
RunningJobs_View | Controls whether the user has the right to see his running jobs. |
RunningJobs_ViewAll | Controls whether the user has the right to see all running jobs. |
MediaPortal_User | Gives access to the application. Without this role, user will only be allow to access certain public previews (e.g. social media sharing). |
MediaPortal_Collection | Gives access to collections view (right panel). |
MediaPortal_Uploader | Allows user to upload new assets. |
MediaPortal_Admin_StartScreen | Gives access to administer the splash screen. |
MediaPortal_Asset_Replacer | Allows the user to replace or restore assets |
MediaPortal_Asset_Unpublisher | Allows the user to remove(unpublish) assets |
MediaPortal_Member_Viewer | Allows the user to see other members of the portal (e.g. during sharing process as autocompletion suggestions) |
Uploader | Enables the user to upload assets on Digizuite Video Portal |
VP3_Portal_Admin_StartScreen | Enables the user to change the splashscreen image/video |
VP3_Portal_Admin_VideoSlides | Enables the user to configure the video slider |
Note: If both Uploader_ReplaceWithArchive and Uploader_ReplaceWithoutArchive are enabled the user will be asked what he wants to do with the old asset: archive it or delete it.