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This section provides information on how to install Digizuite DAM Center.

1 Installing/Upgrading Digizuite

The Digizuie DAM Center is installed/Upgraded using Powershell. The package, provided by the Digizuite DAM Vendor, is a zip file with the following structure:

1.1 How to install/Upgrade

To install/upgrade the Digizuite DAM Center, do the following:

  1. Edit the Install.ps1 - See section 1.2 for a description of all the parameters
  2. Run the Install.ps1, as administrator, either from Powershell or the Powsershell ISE

1.2 Variables

All the parameters that needs to be filled out, are described in the table below



Default value

Example /options


NewInstallationTrue$True$FalseThis variable controls whether it is an update or a new installation (True = new installation, false = update)
PreStagedDatabasesTrue$False$TrueThis variable controls whether the installer should create the databases and user, if it is a new installation. Set this to True only if the databases has been pre stages, see section
InstallDigiMonitorTrue$True$TrueBoolean indicating if Digimonitor should be installed or not


assetstreamThis variable is for the username of the storage user. See documentation, section 2.1
SuperSecretPasswordThis variable is for the password of the storage user.
digiadminThis variable is for the username of the administrative user.
SuperSecretPasswordThis variable is for the password of the administrative user
useActiveDirectoryTrue$False$TrueThis variable will setup the web site to require windows authentication. Do NOT set this to true on NewInstallations. Only use it on updates that are already setup for active directory.


443This is the port on which the web interface is installed in the IIS. Usually port 80 or 443
httpsProtocol used for the web interface installed in the IIS. Typically http or https
siteUrlTrue DNS for the web interface which is installed in the IIS



sqlserverThis is used for the sql server name
sqluserThe user which has access to the database
SuperSecretPasswordThe password of the database user
collationTrueSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASThe database collation
CompatabilityLevelTrue120130The compatibility level of the database. has to be either 120 or 130
company_damThe name of the database to be installed/updated. It has to be called _dam in the end.
SuperSecretPasswordPassword for database DAM database user. If blank it defaults to: 
SuperSecretPasswordPassword for database DAM database user. If blank it defaults to: 
DamRecoveryModelTrueSIMPLEFULLThis variable defines what the recovery model of the DAM database should be
JobRecoveryModelTrueSIMPLEFULLThis variable defines what the recovery model of the DAM_jobs database should be


localStoragePathTrueC:\StorageC:\StorageThe local storage path. This is only used if the storage is located on the web server. Leave blank is Azure storage is used
\\server\storageThe UNC storage path. If on the web server, the installer creates the share it self. If remote, then it has to exist.
logRootTrue"C:\LogFiles\" + $siteUrlD:\logFile\ is the path on which the log files are written to
servicesFolderTrueC:\Program Files\Digizuite\" + $siteUrlC:\Program Files\Digizuite\ is the path on which all the binaries of the services are placed.
sitePathTrue"C:\Webs\" + $siteUrlD:\Webs\ is the path on which the files for the web interface are placed.


installSolrFalse$False$TrueTrue if solr should be installed. Only able to install on web server.
solrUrlTrue - if installSolr is True, else falsehttp://localhost:8983/solr/http://localhost:8983/solr/The url which solr should use
solrLocalPathTrue - if installSolr is True, else falseC:\Services\SolrServiceC:\Services\SolrServiceLocal path on which the Solr binaries are placed
solrUncPathTrue - if installSolr is True, else false$solrLocalPath\\server\Services\SolrServiceUnc path on which the solr binaries are placed


smtpuserThe username of the smtp user
SuperSecretPasswordThe password of the smtp user
noreply@company.comThe e-mail which should be used to send from
smtpPortFalse587587The port used for the smtp server
smtpServerFalse smtp server


CompanyThe license holder name
42The serial number of the license
-The license for the main application
-The licence for the assets
-The license for the users
-The license for metadata
-The license for the office connector
-The license for the Dam For Sitecore connector


BackendStorageCompanyThe storage account name of backend storage
-The access key for the backend storage
FrontendStorageCompanyThe storage acocunt name of frontend storage
-The access key for the frontend storage

2 Install scenarios

As the same script is used for multiple purposes, this section describes different scenarios and what parameters to be specially aware of.

2.1 Installation

To install a new Digizuite DAM Center with UNC storage, the important parameters are the following

NewInstallation$TrueThis has to be true on new installations, as otherwise databases wont be created
PrestagedDatabases$True/$FalseIf databases and users has not been pre staged (created), then set this to $False, $True otherwise. This is for installing without sysadmin rights
Azure parameters
Leave them blank, if UNC storage is used

2.2 Upgrade

To upgrade Digizuite DAM Center, the following parameters are important

NewInstallation$TrueThis has to be true on new installations, as otherwise databases wont be created
PrestagedDatabases$True/$FalseWhat happens if it is false, is the databases and the user mapping is checked and corrected (if wrong), but that requires sysadmin rights on the SQL server

2.3 Local UNC

To use a Local UNC (Local means it is located on the web server), the following parameters are important:

localStoragePathLocal storage path

Has to point to the local storage path (e.g. C:\Storage)

uncStoragePathUNC storage path

Has to point to the local share (\\Webserver\Storage)

2.4 External UNC

To use an external UNC (External means that storage is not located on the web server), the following parameters are important


Leave it as: C:\Storage

uncStoragePathUNC storage path

Has to point to the external share (\\SomeExternalServer\Storage)

2. 5 Azure storage (New install)

To use Azure storage, the following parameters are important

localStoragePathLocal storage path

If provided, it configures up a local storage, that can be enabled in the future

uncStoragePathUNC storage path

if provided, it configures a local unc share, that can be enabled in the future


Has to be a Microsoft Azure storage account name


Accesskey of the above


Has to be another Microsoft Azure Storage account name


Accesskey of the above

The reason there are two storage account, is because frontend (used by satelite products, for instance DAM For Sitecore) and backend (used by the administration web interface) storage is seperated. 

2.6 Azure storage (Upgrade)

The same parameters as the new install are important, but the difference is, that the azure storage account and accesskeys has to correspond to what is already configured in the existing system.

2.6 Solr (New install)

To install Solr, the Solr paramters are important.

installSolr$TrueIndicates that Solr should be installed

The rest of the parameters should be filled out according to the description

2.7 Solr (Upgrade)

If Digizuite DAM Center is upgraded and Solr is already installed and configured, fill out the Solr parameters according to what is already configured.

installSolr$FalseIndicates that Solr should be installed

2.8 Azure SQL


The created databases in the Azure portal has to be postfixed with _dam and dam_jobs (i.e. YourCompanyName_dam and YourCompanyName_dam_jobs) 

We refer to Micorsofts documentation on how to setup Azure SQL.

If Digizuite DAM Center is installed/upgraded with Azure SQL database, then the following parameters are important:

dbServerNameYourAzureSQLServerThis should point to the Azure SQL Server name
DamdbPasswordSomeSuperSecretPasswordStandard Azure configuration enforces a password policy, so the password should follow these (i.e. default password is not strong enough)
DamJobsdbPasswordSomeSuperSecretPasswordStandard Azure configuration enforces a password policy, so the password should follow these (i.e. default password is not strong enough)
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