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Checklist. Remove Before Release

A great feature that was launched in the 4.7.0 release of Media Manager, will improve the user's experience "BIG TIME"! Inside Media Manager it is not possible to preview / read PDF files.

The only thing we changed in the Asset Preview is EVERYTHING.

MM 4.7.0 require DAM Center 4.5.1 or newer.

How to access/use the new implementation?

Search Engine Optimization 


PDF Reader

The PDF Reader is available for PDF assets in the asset preview. It can be accessed from the asset manager list, by click on any PDF asset in order to open the preview.  The Reader will dynamically load the PDF asset and render it. The user will be able to navigate though the PDF pages, zoom in and out and print the document. 

Managing Third-party Dependencies 

In 4.7.0 we improve the way we manage third party libraries like Google, Dropbox and SkyDrive. This allows us to slightly optimize the initial loading time, as well as insuring that the application will work on networks where providers such as Google are not being allowed(*cough* China *cough*).

Printing the Asset and its Metadata 

Starting with 4.7.0, the asset metadata will be printed separately from the asset itself. This change was made to reduce confusion over what the print functionality does and to allow printing the metadata on all asset types. 

Media Manager Skinning 

Starting with this version, we will make sure that all the colors used in Media Manager are declared as variables and therefor can be modified using the methods described in the Style Guide. This will allow you to customize to an even greater extend than before. 

How the new implementation works?

PDF Reader

When opening the preview for a PDF asset, the reader will open at 100% zoom level on the first page of the document. By using the scroll bar on the right-hand side, the user is able to scroll through document and navigate to other pages. On the center bottom of the screen, the reader will display the current page being rendered in the document and the total number of pages available.

By pressing the ellipsis icon from the bottom right corner, the tool will open, from where the user will be able to change the zoom level of the PDF, print the document or open the reader in full-screen. 

Note: Full-screen view and printing is available only on desktop browser that support this features.

Printing the Asset and its Metadata 

In order to print an asset, press on the ellipses icon from the bottom right corner and open the toolbox. In there, you will have the option of printing.

Note: currently only image and PDF assets can be printed.

In order to print the metadata, press on the info icon from the bottom left corner and open the asset information panel. Inside it, a new link will be available which will allow the user to print the metadata associated to the asset.


Managing Third-party Dependencies 


When the application is being accessed, a check against the configuration is made. If a service does not have the required API key present in the configuration manager, the code will not load any third party libraries or dependencies associated with it. 

How to configure the new implementation?

PDF Reader

Changes in Searches

The new PDF Reader requires that the GetAssetsById and DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search searches will return a value field named pdfUrl. This update is normally made automatically when running the upgrade scripts. However, if you are using a modified version of any of the searches upper-mentioned, you will need to update the XML of the search and add the following value field manually:

<valueField id="pdfUrl" fieldName="asset.urlAbsolut(B1BB6F18-6FE5-441A-A3FA-E6FCA2769ACB,DA6EAD4E-6259-489C-98DF-8581C23C0F0E)" />

Asset Republishing

It is required that you republish existing PDF assets after upgrading to MM 4.7.0 is you wish to be able to render them in the PDF viewer.

Printing the Asset and its Metadata 

Two new variables are introduced in order to allow styling of the print button in asset info.

Available variables for customization(with their default values)
@color-assetMetadata-print-link : #f1c312;
@color-assetMetadata-print-link-icon : #fff;



Tips & Tricks


What has been released?

What is in the next release?


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