In order to set up AD, it’s important the it’d done in the correct order. Doing it the other way around is impossible. Doing it the other way around, will not result in any damage.
Step 1: Set your site to be AD through the Media Manager
Access your MM as an admin, and go to General settings
Go to the menu point named SSO.
Set SSO type to be WindowsAuthentication
Lastly, save and press "activate".
When you see the page saying Latest is active, you can progress to the next step.
Step 2: Enable Windows authentication in the IIS
Locate your DAM Center in the IIS and expand it.
Now, go to DigizuiteCore and select the sub-application called loginservice.
Select Authentication.
In here, enable the one named Windows Authentication
Go to Application Pools and search for loginservice.
In here, click the one named yourSite-DC-LoginService-NC and press Recycle.