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1. Database Backup

During the installation process there are changes applied to the DAM database. For this reason it is strongly recommended to back up the database for the DAM Center before proceding with running the instalaltion scripts in Step 3.

In order to back up the database you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Expand "Databases" menu.
  3. Right-click the name of you the DAM Center that Media Manager 5 will be connected to.
  4. Click "Tasks".
  5. In the new menu click "Back Up...". 
  6. In the new window that pops up, choose "Add..."
  7. Click "..." to access more options
  8. Type the name of the back up file, adding ".bak" at the end.
  9. Click "OK".
  10. Confirm your selections by clicking "OK" in the two remaining windows.

2. Preparation

To initialize the installation it is important to to do the following steps:

  1. Copy the two provided archives into your server and unzip both of them into new folders.
  2. The folder named "MediaManager.(version)" is your Digizuite™ Media Manager 5. After unpacking it, you need to place its content into the folder that your IIS server has the access to. In order to to this, locate "Webs" folder (usually C:/Webs is used, but it can also be located on a different drive)

3. Installation Scripts

3.1 Preparation of the configuration file

In the folder named "MediaManager.DbUpgrade" locate the configuration file named "MediaManager.DbUpgrade". 

    <add name="db" connectionString="#{dzDAMConnectionString}"/>
    <!-- JobService GenerateSearchForAll -->
    <add key="runGenerateSearchForAll" value="true"/>
    <add key="apiUrl" value="#{APIURL}"/>
    <add key="apiUsername" value="#{dzApiUsername}"/>
    <add key="apiPassword" value="#{dzApiPassword}"/>
    <!-- Standard/Required -->
    <add key="versionGuid" value="0b59c5cf-e3a9-4043-aedb-fceaa4040d4c"/>
    <add key="availability" value="74A5A102-A310-4BB7-9E84-0B14C36436B2"/>
    <add key="usingEmbeddedScripts" value="true"/>
    <add key="timeoutInSeconds" value="1800"/>
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2"/>


3.2 Running the installation script

4. Website Configuration for Media Manager 5


   <log name="Mediaportal" path="#{dzDigiConfigLogPath}" filter="Warning"/>
   <unc useNetUseApi="true" userName="#{dzDigiConfigUncUsername}" password="#{dzDigiConfigUncPassword}" domain="#{dzDigiConfigUncDomain}" shareDriveName=""/>
   <services userName="System" userType="BackEnd" password="#{dzDigiConfigServicesPassword}"/>
   <add key="guestUsername" value="Guest" />
   <add key="guestPassword" value="0ea2f02d5f73c86c220ff08b23d1c3f1" />
   <add key="RestApiUrl" value="https://DAMCENTER_URL/api/v2/" />
   <add key="BaseFakeApiUrl" value="https://DAMCENTER_URL/Comment/commenting/api/v1"/>
   <add key="BaseApiUrl" value="https://DAMCENTER_URL/dmm3bwsv3" />
   <add key="DamMediaUrl" value="https://DAMCENTER_URL/" />
   <add key="WowzaServer" value="https://WOWSA_URL/" />
   <add key="LoginServiceUrl" value="https://LOGIN_SERVICE_URL"/>
   <add key="WowzaAppName" value="mmapp" />
   <add key="abrMediaUrl" value="666" />
   <add key="enabledFeatures" value="" />
   <add key="UseFederatedAuthentication" value="false" />
   <add key="ConfigVersionId" value="!/2/0" />
   <add key="InstrumentationKey" value="#{instrumentationKey}" />
   <add key="ProductVersion" value="#{productVersion}" />

5. Creation of a New IIS Website

To add a new website on Windows Server, open the "Server Manager" console. Then, under the "Tools" drop-down menu, select "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager".

(provide new screenshot)

Right-click the webserver and select "Add website...".

(provide new screenshot)

Once you select "Add website...", a new window will show up. Here you have to do the following:

  1. Type in your "Site name". The name should be the same as the folder that you created in "Webs" folder for your Digizuite™ Media Manager 5 in the preparation process (second step).
  2. Specify your "Physical path". You do this by clicking "..." next to the text box and searching for the Media Manager 5 folder mentioned above.
  3. Specify the prepared DNS record name in "Host name", which matches "Site name".
  4. Change type to "https".
  5. Check the box "Require Server Name Identification"
  6. Select the correct SSL certificate from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click "OK".

(provide screenshots with marked fields)

Once the site has been created, go into the bindings for the site in the IIS and create http site on the same domain.

(provide screenshot)

6. Application Pool Setup

  1. Expand the server content from the IIS Manager window and select the "Application Pools" menu.
  2. Locate the pool with the same name as your website and double-click it.
  3. The "Edit Application Pool" window will appear. Confirm that the selected .Net CLR version is 4+.
  4. Close "Edit Application Pool" and open the "Advanced Settings".
  5. Under "Process Model" change the Identity to "LocalService".

(provide a screenshot)

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