DC 5.1.0 Export configuration and output examples

DC 5.1.0 Export configuration and output examples

The exporter application is actually quite simple: Execute a search, convert the search result into XML or Excel, and then save the document(s) somewhere. In other words, the search's output defines what meta data is exported, while the search's input defines which assets are exported.

Expanding upon the exported meta data

The search that comes with DbUpgrade already has the required output (title, extension, sourceUrl, and total), but the meta data is quite lacking (it only has title, description, and keywords). 

You must add the meta data fields, which you want to export, to the search. Similarly, you can remove description or keywords from the exported meta data by deleting those two fields from the search's output. You do this via the Search UI

The out-of-the-box Exporter output:



The asset:

Adding the "Media Manager menu" meta data field to the exported meta data:

  1. Go to the Search UI: go to your DAM Center => System tools => select your product version =>select the "Searches" tab.
  2. Select the search, that's specified in the Application configuration's "searchName".
  3. Select "Output".
  4. Add the meta data field and save the search.

Adding Media Manage menu to the exportSearch.

The new output:



Please notice that the new XML node and Excel column match the ID I gave to the newly added field.

The same procedure applies to adding any other meta data field:

Adding a combo meta data field.

The XML output after adding the new combo:

Narrowing down which assets are exported

Filters available out-of-the-box

The Exporter application exports ALL not-deleted assets and their meta data by default.

This is probably not what you want. You probably want to limit the amount of assets and meta data.

You have three filters:

  1. Narrow down the exported assets to a specific catalog folder.
  2. Narrow down the exported assets to a specific channel.
  3. Export specific asset(s).

Finding a catalog folder ID and a channel ID:

  1. Log into your DAM Center with a user, that has the role(s) required to edit catalog folder and channel rights.
  2. Right-click on a folder/channel.
  3. Notice the header of the view: "Manage access to folder: [folder name] ([folder/channel ID])

Beware that you should only choose one of the three filters: Each of the options is a filter in the exportSearch, and all the filters have an AND relationship, i.e. adding both the channelId and catalogFolderId will result in the application only exporting assets, which are in both the catalog folder and the channel.

The option, which filters the most, is the assetIds option. You can easily find these IDs via the DAM Center or Media Manager.

Filters outside the box

Now, this is a tiny bit more complex to understand, as it requires some knowledge about how searches work. 

A search can have 1-many filters. These filters will typically only be applied if a parameter matching the filter's ID is supplied when performing the search. The only other way to apply a filter during a search is to add predetermined ("hard coded") parameters to a filter. 

The Exporter application can supply 3 different parameters to the searchchannelId, catalogFolderId, and assetIds. If you want any other filters to be applied when performing the search, you must add them to the exporting search and give them predetermined parameters.

Adding a filter, which only allows assets, which have a bit meta data field set to "true":

The example video shows a very basic bit filter.

Searches have many possible ways of narrowing down search results using a wide range of data points (meta data fields and "table.column" like asset.assetid) and comparison types (Equals, InList, GreaterThan, LessThan, etc). 

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